Salwan Public School,Tronica City established in 2005, aims at creating an environment where the desire to seek excellence becomes the driving force in the lives of students and learning is regarded as a joyous process by one and all. At Salwan Public School, it is realized that embedding the connect between “cause & effect” in every facet of their learning process, in the young, impressionable minds can be the trigger to achieve the bridge between the education and the life, and make school education truly relevant. We envision our children to become the justly empowered and responsible citizens of the world who will develop the sense of ownership for the life and its depths by learning responsibility for everything they learn, think, speak or perform, by understanding the impact of each of these. It is our endeavour to take the learning and studying process to the level where the children get to discover themselves -each one crafted specially by the Divine for a special role in the universe;as an individual who will enrich the world at large with her knowledge, imagination, positive attitude, respect for herself and everyone else, and finally a deep sense of freedom; as an individual who is as much at peace with herself as with the world; and who will pass on the world to the next generation with a sense of ‘feel good’ having steered it well. We envision our children to be the leaders in every field they enrich. Vision: The school envisions to carve out the intellect of the students by providing them ample opportunities which aims to build and nurture a community of thinkers who are committed to live with responsibility. Mission: To fulfill the vision, the School ensures that each student has core competencies to: •Identify and fulfill their aspirations •Imbibe universal values •Acquire inquisitiveness to learn •Attain skills to embrace modern technology •Develop a respect & concern towards environment